Thursday, 23 May 2013

Tarot Symbolism in Harry Potter

There is a rather magical Harry Potter read-along happening over at Spinning Straw Into Gold, A Light Inside and Cyganeria. Although I'm not taking part myself, I'm really enjoying reading their thoughts and it has definitely got me thinking critically about the books for myself. I am continually amazed at how imbued the series has become in society; for me personally this has ranged from being used in university discussions about Aristotle, to casual HP-related thoughts that pop into my head in relation to whatever's happening at the time (most recently this happened when watching the new James Bond film [SPOILER AHEAD!] and I found myself wondering if anyone else was mildly disturbed about the fact that Voldemort was the new head of the secret service...)

I wanted to contribute something to the discussions, so have put together a post on the symbolism of Harry's lightning bolt scar, particularly in relation to tarot card XVI: The Tower...